Everything You Need to Know about Ana Diet

Ana Diet, or is also called ABC (Ana Boot Camp) Diet, is an extreme and pro-anorexia 50 days weight loss program. This low-calorie diet becomes so popular after going viral in some internet forums, but it is unknown where this diet is originated or who invented it—people who have tried this diet report that it is useful, to help,p losing weight. However, experts say that this diet is dangerous and can even lead to malnutrition.

Ana Diet Plan

In Ana Diet, limiting the calorie that goes into your body is essential, but you also must vary the number of calories you consume every day.

If you suddenly stop eating, your body will go into starvation mode, wh, ich makes you even hungrier. But when the number of calories is varied, it is believed that your body will be tricked to not go into starvation mode. That’s why you can feast up to 800 calories in one day but have to go with no calories at all on other days. Here is the complete Ana Diet plan calorie list to help you.

Ana Diet Tips

Ana Diet is not easy and you need a powerful will to keep going for 50 days. To help you stick to your diet, here are some useful Ana Diet tips that you can try.

  • Instead of eating one significant portion, it is best to divide into three or four smaller pieces that you can eat at different times of the day. 
  • Get enough sleep. Beauty sleep will help to gain energy, increasing metabolism, and the most important, you don’t chew when you are sleeping. 
  • Drink a lot. Before you start eating, drink a glass of water first and drink again in between bites. It will help you feel fuller faster so you can eat less. 
  • Buy clothes one or two sizes smaller than your waist. Wear it and see yourself in the mirror. Convince yourself that you want to look pretty in those clothes one day. 
Free: Ketogenic Diet Food List

Ana Diet Result

One thing that you need to remember before deciding to pull through with this diet is the fact that it can be dangerous for your health, especially if you are already anorexic, to begin with. Will it get you the skinny body you have always dreamed of? With such an aggressive method, the answer is of course, yes. Ana's diet result can be theatrical since you starve yourself for almost two months.

If you have understood all the risks and want to try this diet, make sure the food you eat is healthy, so the calorie you eat will be worth it and enough to energize you. Working out is still important, but stick with light exercise since Ana Diet definitely will make you feel weaker.

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